Toggling jQuery to show or hide content depending on the selector

I am looking to implement a jQuery-based animation and here is the code I have so far:

>items=document.querySelectorAll("#customers td span");
[<span alt=​"  02,Counter,11,2013-04-06 14:​59:​16">​  02​</span>​, <span>​11​</span>​, <span alt=​"  02,Counter,11,2013-04-06 13:​22:​19">​  02​</span>​, <span>​11​</span>​]
>item=items[0]; // it has a parent tag <tr> i want the whole row to blink (both spans)
<span alt=​"  02,Counter,11,2013-04-06 14:​59:​16">​  02​</span>​
alt=​"  02,Counter,11,2013-04-06 14:​59:​16"
"2013-04-06 14:59:16"

Alternatively in JQuery:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $("#customers, td, #span").each(function(){
                var dt=new Date($(this).children("span").attr("alt").split(",")[3]).getTime();
                    if(dt>$.now()-10*1000){ //am i right here??

My goal is to check each element in items every second. If dtm is greater than current time - 10 seconds, then hide after 500 ms and show after 500ms.

However, the current code only blinks one span and I need both elements to blink. This check should continue every 1 second.

If anyone can assist me with this, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you!

Answer №1

My final code is displayed below:

$(document).ready(function ($) {
        $("#clients, td, span").each(function(){
                var time=new Date($(this).children("span").attr("data").split(",")[3].replace(/-/g,"/")).getTime();
                    console.log("animation in progress");

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