Animation will begin once the page has finished loading

On the website, there is a master page along with several content pages. The desired effect is to have a fade-in animation when navigating between pages. Currently, when clicking on a link, the new page appears first and then starts fading out, but this should be reversed.




<asp:Content ID="content" ContentPlaceHolderID="" runat="server">
<div class="divLoading"></div>
   //all the page content comes here



Attempts were made to place the Javascript and div within the master page instead of each content page, but the issue persisted.

Answer №1

Your current use of height in percentage appears to be causing issues. To resolve this, include the following CSS code:

height: 100%;

Answer №2

If you want to hide your content initially and then fade it in, you can enclose your content in a div with an id of "divLoading" and apply the following CSS:


 div#divLoading { display: none; }



Check out the demo here

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