Adaptable website design featuring dynamic data grid

I've spent quite some time searching for a way to achieve the layout displayed in the linked image, but I haven't been successful in finding exactly what I need.

My goal is to create a responsive layout that includes a datagrid (ui-grid) within its content panel. As the window size changes, I want the grid to resize accordingly - meaning the grid's scrollbar adjusts, while I don't want any scrollbar on the actual content panel where the datagrid is located. Is this even possible? It feels like trying to find the holy grail of layouts, except I specifically do not want the content div to be scrollable, only the datagrid itself. I've attempted using Flexbox without much success - any helpful resources or links would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Answer №1

Considering the user experience is crucial in this scenario. Picture yourself successfully navigating a scrollable table on a mobile device. You find yourself unable to smoothly scroll through the rest of the email until you hit either end. The outcome, regardless of whether it's scrollable or not, remains consistent. It may seem like a desirable feature, but in reality, it balances out to nothing. (Think about how frustrating it is when embedded maps take control of your mobile screen, restricting your ability to swipe away from them.)

Although achieving what you desire is possible in certain email clients by using overflow: scroll on the container, it is not guaranteed across the board.

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