Tips for choosing the nearest table rows with CSS

When it comes to CSS, specifying a style for the immediate child rows of a table can be done like this:

table > tr {
    background: blue;

The challenge arises when we have a <tbody> tag surrounding the <tr> tags.

Is there a way to address both scenarios without resorting to this cumbersome code?

table > tr, table > tbody > tr {
    background: blue;

Unfortunately, we can't simplify the code by using:

table tr {
    background: blue;

Answer №1

There is no specific syntax for defining a "depth range" in CSS, so you would need to account for both scenarios implicitly.

You mentioned wanting to avoid

table > tr, table > tbody > tr {

although it's not overly lengthy. However, there are alternative options:

table > tr, tbody > tr {

:is(table, tbody) > tr {

:where(table, tbody) > tr {

If the table has the class my-table

:where(.my-table, .my-table > tbody) > tr {

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of specific rows, simply assign them a class and define CSS styles for that class.


<tr class="highlighted-row">


.highlighted-row { background: yellow; }

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