Modify the appearance of material-ui checkbox

For my project, I am utilizing React along with the styled-component package for styling. However, I am facing an issue when it comes to styling the Material-ui checkbox using styled-component. The problem lies in narrowing the border of the checkbox, as there seems to be no apparent way to adjust the border width through the Material-ui interface.

The current code snippet that I am working with is as follows:

const StyledCheckbox = styled(Checkbox)`
    color: #CDCDCD;
    font-size: 30px;

I am attempting to style the SVG element of the checkbox component. Unfortunately, I am unsure which props of the SVG element are responsible for controlling the border width. I have experimented with props like font-weight and border-width, but none of them seem to yield the desired result.

You can access the Codesandbox demo here.

Expected Result:

Expected Image

Current Result:

Current Image

Answer №1

In my opinion, a great approach is to include a new custom icon as a prop called icon in the Checkbox component.

    icon={<CustomIcon />}

The <CustomIcon /> can take various forms:

  • A personalized svg with tailored styles.
  • A React/Styled component with specific css properties (such as border, borderRadius, width, and height).

For more details, refer to the documentation:

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