Is it possible to swap two classes with each other using jQuery?

I am trying to implement a tree view with the following code snippet. Within the tree view, there are spans that have either the CollOpen or CollClosed class assigned to them. How can I toggle between these two classes on click for each span?



Answer №1

I am looking to achieve a functionality where, upon clicking on a span with the class ColOpen, it gets replaced with ColClosed and the corresponding ul element is hidden. However, I am unsure about how to identify which specific span was clicked by the user.

One approach to solve this issue is by listening for click events on a container element (such as the treeview) and instructing jQuery to only trigger an action if the click occurred on either a .CollOpen or .CollClosed span (this technique is known as event delegation):

$(".treeView").on("click", ".CollOpen, .CollClosed", function() {
    // ...

Within the event handler, the context of `this` refers to the exact span that was clicked, allowing us to toggle classes and hide subsequent ul elements:

$(this).toggleClass("CollOpen CollClosed").nextAll('ul').first().toggle();

Putting it all together:

$(".treeView").on("click", ".CollOpen, .CollClosed", function() {
    $(this).toggleClass("CollOpen CollClosed").nextAll('ul').first().toggle();

To illustrate further:

$(".treeView").on("click", ".CollOpen, .CollClosed", function() {
      $(this).toggleClass("CollOpen CollClosed").nextAll('ul').first().toggle();
.treeView {
  -moz-user-select: none;
  position: relative;
/* CSS styling continues... */
<ul class="treeView">
    <span class="CollOpen">[*]</span><span>Collapsible lists</span>
    <ul class="CollList">
        <span class="CollClosed">[*]</span><span>Actions</span>
        <ul class=" CollList" style="display: none;">
          <li class="lastChild">
            <span class="CollOpen">[*]</span><span>Actions</span>
            <ul class="CollList" style="display: none;">
              <li class="">Expanding/opening</li>
              <li class="lastChild">Collapsing/closing</li>
      <li class="lastChild">
        <span class=" CollOpen">[*]</span><span>Actions</span>
        <ul class="CollList" style="display: none;">
          <li class="">Directory listings</li>
          <li class="">Tree views</li>
          <li class="lastChild">Outline views</li>

It's worth noting that I've added [*] to the spans for better visibility and interaction. Alternatively, instead of toggling between .CollOpen and .CollClosed, consider rendering the elements consistently with a class on the li element to handle the open/close state. This can lead to more streamlined code management while maintaining a cohesive design across the spans within li elements.

Answer №2


Kindly take note that there is an issue in your CSS

.treeView li.CollOpen{ background-image:url('');÷ }

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