How to dynamically change the color of an AngularJS element based on a condition?

As someone who is new to AngularJS, I am currently working on changing the color of a table element to yellow if the user has voted on a specific choice.

<div ng-show="poll.userVoted">
        <table class="result-table">
            <tr ng-repeat="choice in poll.choices">
                    <table ng-if="choice.text == poll.userChoice.text" style="background-color: yellow; width: {{choice.votes.length/poll.totalVotes*100}}%; text-align: right">
                    <table ng-if="choice.text != poll.userChoice.text" style="background-color: lightblue; width: {{choice.votes.length/poll.totalVotes*100}}%; text-align: right">

Answer №1

To achieve this, utilize the ng-class directive.

Implement ng-class on your td element in the following manner:

<td ng-class="{yellowstyle: choice.text==poll.userChoice.text}">...</td>

This will apply the yellowstyle CSS class to the item when the specified condition is met.

In your specific case:

<table class="result-table">
  <tr ng-repeat="choice in poll.choices">
      <table style="width: {{choice.votes.length/poll.totalVotes*100}}%; text-align: right">
          <td ng-class="{yellowstyle: choice.text==poll.userChoice.text, lightbluestyle: choice.text!=poll.userChoice.text}">{{choice.votes.length}}</td>

Assuming you have a style.css file with the following definitions:

.yellowstyle {background-color: yellow;}
.lightbluestyle {background-color: lightblue;}

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