Designing Tables for User Interfaces

In a table with 4 rows, the first row must always be filled by the user.

The remaining rows are optional.

What is the best way to visually indicate this requirement?

This should be achieved using only HTML, CSS, and jQuery.

Answer №1

Explore different options available on the internet and choose the ones that appeal to you the most. Highlight with a star* any necessary fields, make them bold or italicized, label as "The following fields are required/optional", color them in red, add exclamation mark icons. It's all about your preferences and what complements your current layout.
There is no need for complicated procedures here. :)

Answer №2

One approach could be to display the initial row with a prominent red asterisk marking it as required. As the user begins inputting information, reveal the following row. Once completed, unveil the third row in a seamless progression.

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