Handling overflow and z-index of tabs in Vuetify Drawer

Struggling to create an expandable sidebar menu using Vuetify2, following the documentation, but unable to prevent the expanded menu from overlapping other elements on the page.

The current behavior causes items to be pushed away and wrap onto the next row, which is not ideal. The goal is to have the sidebar expansion smoothly without disrupting the layout of other page elements.

Below is the code for the drawer component:

          <v-list-item class="px-2">
              <v-img src="https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/women/85.jpg"></v-img>
              @click.stop="mini = !mini"

              <v-list-item-title class="text-h6">
                {{ $auth.user?.name }}
              <v-list-item-subtitle>{{ $auth.user.email }}</v-list-item-subtitle>

And here is the template for the parent components:

     <div class="row">
       <navbar @change-tab="changeTab" :items="items">
       <div class="container">
         <other custom components>

Attempts to override z-index and overflow properties on .v-navigation-drawer and the surrounding v-card element have been unsuccessful in resolving the issue.

Answer №1

It seems like you are attempting to design the navbar layout manually by placing it within a div with the "row" class. However, for top-level app components like the navigation drawer, Vuetify handles this for you automatically. So, your code should just be:

  <navbar @change-tab="changeTab" :items="items"></navbar>

The documentation in v2 is quite limited ("More to follow"), but you may find it helpful to refer to the documentation for v3 - even though it functions differently, it could give you a better understanding of how it operates.

Answer №2

Big shoutout to @Moritz Ringler for the thorough response and helpful suggestions! I haven't had a chance to dive deep into analyzing v2-v3 differences and experimenting yet. But in the meantime, I stumbled upon a workaround that might be beneficial for anyone trying to manually adjust the layout. Here's what was missing: I completely overlooked the fact that z-index only works with position:absolute, so I came up with this CSS class:

.front {
  position: absolute;
  z-index: 9 !important;
  overflow: visible !important;

And then I simply wrapped the nav-bar component in it:

       <div class="front">
         <profile-nav @change-tab="changeTab" :items="items">

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