Choosing Between EMs and Pixels for Font Sizes: A 2011 Perspective

In the past, EMs were favored over pixels for font size because they could scale with IE6 while pixels could not. Nowadays, modern browsers can handle pixel-sized font scaling correctly. Another advantage of EMs is that they cascade, unlike pixels.

But if someone is working on web development for modern browsers and does NOT want cascading font sizes, would pixels be the better choice?

I'm trying to consider if there are any other disadvantages to using pixels for font size instead of EMs. Thank you!

Answer №1

Although most modern browsers can zoom in on text that is sized using pixels, not all of them can scale text sized with pixels – it still varies depending on the browser.

For example, in IE8, you can easily zoom in on text without any issues. However, if you try to scale text using the official text size modifier (by going to page -> text size -> largest), it doesn't work properly.

  1. In IE8 - Zoom works, but scaling does not
  2. In Firefox 4, beta 12 - Zoom works, but scaling does not
  3. In Google Chrome 10 beta - Zoom works, but scaling does not

Many organizations I collaborate with use the official text size modifier as part of their user/group settings management. When setting up accounts for users, they often pre-configure it using this setting. Personally, I prefer using EMs because PX doesn't scale consistently across different platforms.

And a few words from the W3C:

Units: avoid absolute length units for screen display

  • Avoid specifying font-size in pt or other absolute length units for screen stylesheets, as they render inconsistently and cannot be resized by the User Agent (e.g., browser). Instead, use relative length units like percent or em.


Answer №2

One disadvantage of specifying font size in pixels is the difficulty in uniformly adjusting text sizes across a website post-development.

If you establish an absolute font-size for the body element and utilize Ems for other text properties, modifying the entire site's text sizes can be achieved by simply changing the body element's font size.

It is safe to assume that many users are unfamiliar with adjusting only text sizes using browser zoom features, yet web designers still strive to maintain consistency between text, page components, and overall layout proportions.

Answer №3

Every up-to-date browser comes equipped with full-page zoom capabilities, making pixels the preferred unit of measurement for achieving a harmonious text size and graphic display on webpages (which are pixel-dependent).

Answer №4

Here is my approach:

  • Start by incorporating a reset.css file (I recommend Eric Meyer's )
  • Establish default styles for elements like h1, h2, a, etc.
  • If necessary, use EM units for sizing.

I have gained valuable experience in ensuring cross-browser compatibility, including on mobile devices, throughout my web development journey.

Give it a try :)

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