Changing the appearance of a radio button dynamically upon clicking

I am currently working on a dynamic pickup date form that utilizes radio buttons. My goal is to change the style of the selected value when a user clicks on it. Below is the code I have tried, but it has not been successful:

foreach ($period as $day){
echo '<label class="pickup-date" id="pickupdate"><input type="radio" value="'.$day->format('M-d-Y').'" name="pickup_date">'.$day->format('M') . ' <span>' .$day->format('d') . '</span> '. $day->format('D') .'<br/></label>';


.pickup-date-tab label.checked{
background: #6d1f89 !important;
color: #fff; } 



The issue I'm having is that this code only works for the first button.

Answer №1

I have finally found the solution, all thanks to the amazing resources available on this website. It's so satisfying to resolve a related problem.

After some tweaking, here is my updated code snippet:

foreach ($period as $day)
                    echo '<label class="pickup-date" id="pickupdate"><input type="radio" value="'.$day->format('M-d-Y').'" name="pickup_date"><div class="highlited">'.$day->format('M') . ' <span>' .$day->format('d') . '</span> '. $day->format('D') .'</div></label>';

Here is the optimized jQuery for handling onclick events:

    $('#pickupdate').removeClass('checked'); // Updated CSS property
    $(this).addClass('checked'); // Updated CSS property   

And don't forget the essential CSS styles:

.pickup-date input[type=radio]:checked + .highlited{
    background: #6d1f89 !important;
    color: #fff;

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