Creating a List with Sublists that are displayed when hovering over the parent List is a key element of effective design

Hovering over 'View Rows' should open up both New Records and Old Records

     <li>Add Rows</li>
     <li>View Rows
         <li>View New Records</li>
         <li>View Old Records</li>

Answer №1

Using CSS only

To achieve this effect using pure CSS, you can utilize the :hover pseudo-class. When hovering over the "View Rows" element, you can change the display property of the ".records" class to block.

.records {
  display: none;

.view:hover .records {
  display: block;
  <li>Add Rows</li>
  <li class="view">View Rows
    <ul class="records">
      <li>View New Records</li>
      <li>View Old Records</li>

Implementing with Javascript

If you prefer using JavaScript for interactivity, there is an example below that demonstrates how to achieve the same hover effect using event listeners and DOM manipulation techniques. This method provides more flexibility for customization compared to the CSS-only approach.

var records = document.querySelectorAll(".records");
var view = document.querySelectorAll(".view")[0];

view.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
  records.forEach(e => { = "block";

view.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() {
  records.forEach(e => { = "none";
.records {
  display: none;
  <li>Add Rows</li>
  <li class="view">View Rows
    <ul class="records">
      <li>View New Records</li>
      <li>View Old Records</li>

Utilizing jQuery

For those who prefer working with jQuery, an alternative method is presented below. By using the .hover() function, you can easily show and hide the list items within the "View Rows" section when hovering over it.


$(".view").hover(function() {

$(".view").mouseout(function() {
<script src=""></script>
  <li>Add Rows</li>
  <li class="view">View Rows
    <ul class="records">
      <li>View New Records</li>
      <li>View Old Records</li>

Answer №2

To show a sub-list on hover of the parent list, you can initially set the visibility of the ul to hidden and then use li:hover ul { visibility: visible; } in your CSS.

li:hover ul {
   visibility: visible;

ul {
   visibility: hidden;
     <li>Add Rows</li>
     <li>View Rows
         <li>View New Records</li>
         <li>View Old Records</li>

Answer №3

Check out this JS Fiddle demo

ul {
  background: #333;

ul li {
  position: relative;
  list-style: none;
  display: inline-block;
  color: white;

ul ul {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  right: 0;
  top: 100%;
  display: none;
  padding-left: 0;

ul li:hover ul {
  display: block;

ul ul li {
  display: block;
  width: 100%;
       <li>Add Rows</li>
       <li>View Rows
           <li>View New Records</li>
           <li>View Old Records</li>

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