Abundance of DOM elements - the difference between hidden and display none

When I have numerous DOM elements on my page and assign them all a display: none property, the browser continues to perform quickly (smooth scrolling and snappy page response).

But if I hide the elements using visibility: hidden instead, the browser slows down as if they were all being rendered on the screen.

I would appreciate it if someone could provide a detailed explanation for this behavior. Thanks!

Answer №1

Essentially, even though invisible elements may not be physically drawn on the page, browsers still reserve space for them in order to properly lay out the visible elements.

To learn more about this concept, check out MDC visibility:hidden:

While invisible elements are not visually rendered, they do have an impact on layout. Descendants of these elements will appear if their visibility is set as visible (though this feature may not work in older versions of IE).

If you use display: none instead, browsers only need to consider and arrange the visible elements, disregarding the invisible ones completely.

The balance between visible and invisible elements, along with the total number of elements, can influence how much of a difference this makes.

Answer №2

Picture this:
You're working on a painting with a white background, meticulously adding intricate details to an apple over the course of an hour. Then, you cover it all up with another layer of white paint. That's what visibility is like.

display:none is akin to never starting the painting at all. It may be quicker to load initially.

However, using display:none has its drawbacks: when switching back to block (or inline, etc.), you have to start from scratch on the painting. With visibility, the browser simply removes that last coat of paint and everything is back as before. In this case, visibility is faster.

Just keep in mind that when you use visibility:hidden, the element maintains its position in the layout, so the surrounding elements remain unaffected.

If you want a more technical explanation, check out David Baron's talk.

Answer №3

Wow, this concept is fascinating. Could it be that using visibility: hidden is essentially the same as utilizing opacity: 0?

While I may not be a developer myself, I can't help but wonder if there could be significant performance improvements by having elements with hidden visibility simply rendered as transparent squares with matching dimensions instead of being fully painted. This might especially apply in cases where the element's dimensions are already known.

Answer №4

When using visibility:hidden, the elements are rendered on the screen but remain hidden from the user's view. On the other hand, with display:none, the elements are not rendered at all.

Answer №5

When using visibility: hidden, the elements' sizes must still be calculated in order to reserve the necessary space for them, even though they are not visible on the screen.

Answer №6

visibility: collapse: element hides itself, but it still occupies space in the layout.

opacity: 0: element will be included in render tree and painted, but will not be visible to users.

Answer №7

When using display: none, the elements are completely removed from the DOM, whereas with visibility: hidden, they remain present but are just invisible.

A key distinction is that form input fields with display: none will not be submitted with the form, while those with visibility: hidden will still be included. This has been my observation, though different browsers could have varying behaviors.

Answer №8

"The browsing experience feels sluggish, almost like each element is individually hand-drawn on the screen."

My theory for the slowness is that even though the tag is rendered, it's not actually visible on the screen.

For more information, take a look at this article.

Answer №9

When display:none is utilized, the browser avoids initializing those elements and rendering their content. On the other hand, with visibility:hidden, the elements are initialized but simply hidden from view.

Explore more about CSS display properties here

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