Selecting specified elements in Jsoup using CSS selectors

Check out this HTML snippet:

<div class="last-minute">
<span>Modulo:</span>4-3-3<p>Mandorlini is hopeful to have Juanito Gomez and Cirigliano back in action after the break. There's no need to worry about Hallfredsson who was substituted in Genoa due to a head injury. </p><div class="squalificati">
<span>Squalificati :</span>-</div><div class="indisponibili"><span>Indisponibili : 
<div><strong><a title="Cirigliano" href="../../../../calciatore/VERONA 
HELLAS/Cirigliano">Cirigliano</a></strong>: Distraction injury to the right flexor</div>
<div><strong><a title="Juanito " href="../../../../calciatore/VERONA HELLAS/Juanito 
">Juanito </a></strong>: Distraction injury to the right hamstring</div> </div> 
<div class="dubbio"><span>In doubt :</span>-</div><div class="diffidati">
<span>Ballottaggi :</span>Jankovic 60% - Martinho 40%</div><div style='float: 
left;margin-bottom: 8px;font-style: italic;color: #929292;line-height: 14px;width: 
168px;'>Updated:12/11/2013 12:09:36</div>

I am looking to extract the "4-3-3" right after this code :<span>Modulo:</span> (2nd line). Is there a way to achieve this using CSS selectors in JSoup? Thanks for your help!

Answer №1

To retrieve only the text directly owned by an element and disregard its child tags, you can utilize the ownText() method from the Element class. More information on this method can be found in the documentation.

Here is an example:

String html = "<div class='last-minute'><span>Modulo:</span>4-3-3<p>Mandorlini....";
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);


This code will produce the following output:


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