problems with hovering over radio buttons in Internet Explorer 9

Encountering a curious issue in IE9: When hovering over my top level wrapper div, the first radio button seems to be triggered as though it's being hovered over. This means that even if the last radio input is selected, clicking anywhere within the wrapper will revert the selection back to the first option. The light blue color on the first radio input changes back to gray once the mouse hovers off the wrapper div.

Remarkably, everything functions correctly in FF, Chrome, and IE Compatibility Mode.

I have attempted to replicate the problem by creating a simplistic page with inputs, but have not been successful in doing so compared to my larger web page where the issue resides.

If anyone has insights into what might be causing this strange behavior and how to rectify it, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Edit#1: Code Snippet:

<div id="wrapper">
<div id="region_sel_type">
    <input type="radio" id="optLine" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="Line" /><label id="lblForOptLine" for="optLine" title="Line" unselectable="on"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="optPoint" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="Point" /><label id="lblForOptPoint" for="optPoint" title="Point" unselectable="on"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="optPolygon" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="Polygon" /><label id="lblForOptPolygon" for="optPolygon" title="Polygon" unselectable="on"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="optList" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="List" /><label id="lblForOptList" for="optList" title="Input Coordinates" unselectable="on"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="optUploadKML" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="KML" /><label id="lblOptUploadKML" for="optUploadKML" title="Upload KML" unselectable="on"></label>
    <input type="radio" id="optOpen" name="radio_region_sel_type" value="Open" /><label id="lblForOptOptn" for="optOpen" title="Open Saved ROI" unselectable="on"></label>                   

SOLUTION: The root cause of the issue was identified as having a self-closing label inside the 'wrapper' div which IE9 did not fully support.

<label id='x'/>

Answer №1

It seems like the issue you are experiencing is related to the label tag's behavior. Label tags serve as a hover and click target for the input with the specified id in the label's for attribute.

Possibly, you may have accidentally applied a large label to a specific radio button or one of them might be incorrectly closed, causing it to encompass the entire div.

Have you verified all your label tags to ensure none of them are improperly closed?

Now that you've managed to resolve your problem, I'd like to discuss the concept of self-closing tags in HTML 5.

In the past, XHTML introduced strictness inspired by XML standards. Although we now operate in an HTML 5 environment, the belief remains pervasive. However, it's important to note that HTML 5 does not recognize />. Instead, it attempts to automatically close certain tags for you.

In your situation, most browsers likely positioned the implicit </label> correctly, but perhaps one browser placed it in a contextually incorrect location. Regardless, the utilization of /> probably did not impact the outcome significantly.

Recall the scenario of

<p style="color:red;"><div>Why am I not red?</div></p>
? HTML positions the </p> before the <div> because block elements are prohibited within <p> tags.

The advisable approach is to avoid employing /> except in cases involving elements that consistently lack content (link, br, img, etc. — and even then, it is primarily done for readability purposes, as it has minimal effect during parsing).

Additional information available here:

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