maintain visibility of website menu while scrolling

I am having trouble getting my drop-down menu to stay fixed at the top of the screen while scrolling down on my website. Despite several attempts, I have not been able to achieve this using the current CSS and menu setup. Can someone please assist me with this issue?

    #cssmenu ul,
    #cssmenu li,
    #cssmenu span,
    #cssmenu a {
        margin: 0;
        padding: 0;
        position: relative;
    #cssmenu: after, #cssmenu ul: after {
        content: '';
        display: block;
        clear: both;

    ... (CSS code continues)


<div id='cssmenu'>
        <li class='Stream Portal'><a href="./home.html" >Home</a>

        ... (Menu items continue)

Answer №1

The #cssmenu will be fixed to the top of the page at 0px

Answer №2

Check out this demonstration which showcases how easily you can implement this feature with just a few lines of JavaScript code:

jQuery(function($) {
    $(document).ready( function() {

This example utilizes a handy jQuery plugin known as stickUp. For another useful example, visit their official website:

Just a reminder: I added the stickUp plugin by utilizing the "External Resources" section within the jsfiddle interface.

Answer №4

Utilizing the jQuery scroll() event along with $(window).scrollTop() allows for tracking the current window scroll position. When this value surpasses the desired item's position, apply addClass to set the item as: position:fixed; top:0;. This will seamlessly move the item with the window scroll. It may be necessary to readjust the left positioning of the item. Conversely, if the window position is above, removeClass the fixed position.

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