Transitioning background with background sizing set to cover

I have been searching for an answer to this question, but haven't found one yet.

Currently, I have a series of divs with background-images set to 'background-size: cover'.

My goal is to make the images zoom in and grow on hover. However, it seems that this transition doesn't work when using the 'cover' attribute. The image zooms without the desired transition effect, going instantly from 'cover' to 110% size. It works properly if the original background-size was set as 100%.

Despite this, setting the background-size to 100% causes the image to tile somewhat behind the div when resized, which is not ideal. The 'cover' attribute keeps the image central at all times, which is what I prefer.

If anyone has advice on how to achieve a transition while maintaining the 'cover' effect, it would be greatly appreciated.


Answer №1

It's important to note that when using CSS animations for background-size, you cannot use keyword values like 'cover'.

For more information, please visit:

In summary:

The property background-size can have a list of length, percentage, or calc(); the values get interpolated accordingly. However, keywords are not animatable.

To achieve a similar effect, one workaround is to wrap the element with the background image in a container with overflow hidden and apply a scale transform.

.wrapper { 
.image {
  transition: transform 2s;

.image:hover { transform:scale(1.1) }
<div class="wrapper">
  <div class="image"></div>

Answer №2

My solution to the issue involved loading the image within a nested div element.

<div class='slide'>
    <div class='img' style='background-image:url(img/slide1.jpg)'></div>    

I then made adjustments to the size of the image container as follows:

  #slideshow .slide {
    background-position:center center;

   #slideshow .img {
      transition: width 1s, height 1s, top 1s, left 1s;  

  #slideshow .active .img{

The full markup for the slideshow is shown below:

<div id='slideshow' class='slider' >
    <div class='slides'>
        <div class='slide'>
            <div class='img' style='background-image:url(img/slide1.jpg)'></div>
            <div class='caption'>
                <hr />
                <h1>PRIVATE HAVEN</h1>
        <div class='slide'>
            <div class='img' style='background-image:url(img/slide2.jpg)'></div>
            <div class='caption'>
                <hr />
                <h1>BLISSFUL SATISFACTION</h1>
        <div class='slide' >
            <div class='img' style='background-image:url(img/slide3.jpg)'></div>
            <div class='caption'>
                <hr />
                <h1>LIVE IN NATURE AT THE MOUNTAIN’S DOOR</h1>

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