Images in the navigation bar are bouncing around on the page, even though the CSS and HTML configurations

We are experiencing some erratic behavior with our nav bar images that seems to occur only on page refreshes. The issue appears to be related to the loading of our sprite, which contains all the images for the nav bar links.

Despite trying different float values, rearranging the layout elements, and exploring various alternatives, we have been unable to resolve the jumping problem. We have noticed that the jumping is influenced by the length of text in the nav bar links; shortening the text labels reduces the jumping effect.

This issue has been observed on iPads, as well as on Chrome running on Windows 7 Home Premium and OS X 10.7.5.

Below is the HTML code for the nav bar:

<div id="header">               
        <div class="main">
            <a class="logo" href="/"><img class="" src="/images/web/logos/text_small.png" alt="Domain Name Registration and Search"></a>
            <div class="nav_bar">
                <a class="games icon_rise" href="/itunes-store/apps/free-apps/category/all-games?itunes-store-id=888-6014">
                    <div class="icon"></div>
                    <div class="label click_drop">Games</div>
                <a class="education icon_rise" href="/itunes-store/apps/free-apps/category/education?itunes-store-id=6017">
                    <div class="icon"></div>
                    <div class="label click_drop">Education</div>

And here is the CSS:

#header { text-align:left; height:75px; background:url(/images/web/header_slice.png) repeat-x; }
#header .logo { position:relative; top:15px; width:106px; display:inline-block; }

#header .nav_bar a:hover { text-decoration:none }

To reproduce this issue:

1) Visit Upon first visit, observe the nav bar links at the top jumping.

2) To replicate the error, press Shift-F5.

3) A screenshot capturing the phenomenon of the nav bar links jumping is attached below.

Answer №1

One common issue that arises during page load is related to font rendering.

As the webpage loads, the 'Signika' font takes precedence over any other fonts specified before it in the CSS.

body, p, ol, ul, td {
  font-family:'Signika', verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;

It's important to note that different fonts and font families can have varying effects on the appearance of text elements. For example, the 'Signika' font may appear larger than the fallback font Verdana.

To see how the fallback font behaves, you can disable the 'Signika' font using the following CSS:

font-family:verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;

You might notice a 'jumping' effect in the navigation bar (commonly seen in Chrome) when the font is switched. To address this, adjusting the font size or surrounding margins and paddings can help mitigate the issue.

Answer №2

The font style you're using, called Signika, is causing the menu to move unexpectedly.

To avoid this issue while keeping the same font, just delete the line that says "width: 720px" in the code for "#header .nav_bar". This line isn't necessary because the element is floated, and removing it should prevent any jumping.

Keep in mind that since Signika may not be installed on all user's devices, the text might still load slowly until the font is downloaded. But by getting rid of the width property, you can make the transition smoother as the content shifts to the right.

I hope this explanation solves your problem!

Answer №3

After making modifications with the help of Firebug, I was able to observe the changes. Hopefully this will be beneficial for you.

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