Adjusting Image Size According to Window Resize?

My current issue involves having four images displayed side by side. When the window size is adjusted or viewed on a smaller device, the layout shifts to a line jump (with three images in a row and the fourth one below). What I actually want is for all four images to simply resize proportionally based on the window size. To illustrate this problem, I have provided some images along with my code snippet. You can also view a demonstration on jsfiddle:

^ This represents my current layout.

^ Here's what I am aiming to achieve.


<div id="headerline">
<img src=""/>

<div id="menu">
<img class ="blog" src="">
<img class ="music" src="">
<img class ="projects" src="">
<img class ="bio" src="">


#headerline {
    width: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;
    margin: -10px auto 20px auto;

#menu {
    max-width: 700px;
    text-align: center;
    margin: auto;
#menu img {
    width: 150px;

Answer №1

.content img {
    max-width: 100%;

Try implementing this code snippet to make the images responsive based on their parent element's width.

Answer №2

After reviewing the CSS section on jsFiddle, I believe that changing the width to a percentage rather than using fixed pixels may solve the issue you are experiencing.

You might want to consider this alternative CSS:

#menu img {
    width: 31.33%;

I hope this suggestion proves to be helpful for you.

Answer №3

While the other responses may be accurate, it's worth considering adding a max-width: 150px; to prevent the image from stretching too much and compromising its quality.

#menu img {
    width: 30%;
    max-width: 150px;

Check out the live example on Fiddle:

Answer №4

Experiment with using a percentage width to adjust the size of an image based on the browser's width. It is recommended to use percentage rather than pixels when resizing elements according to window changes.

#menu img {
    width: 25%; //adjust the width as needed

We hope this resolves any issues you may have :)

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