Focus on targeting dynamic IDs such as #event_rules_attributes_0_interval, #event_rules_attributes_1_interval, etc. using CSS3 styling

Styling input tags using their IDs can be very convenient due to the higher precedence weight they hold compared to classes.

For instance, I set a default width for input.text elements within a specific container:

.details .metadata input.text { width: 200px; }

When adjusting the width for a particular page, using the ID is more efficient than using the long selector mentioned above:

#my_input { width: 150px; }

Now imagine that I have automatically generated input fields in my app (created using form_for and nested_attributes_for in Ruby On Rails) with IDs like:

...and so on...


...and so on...

In this case, I would need to use an ID selector that starts with "event_rules_attributes_" AND ends with "_count" or one that starts with "event_rules_attributes_" AND ends with "_interval". While I am aware of the existence of the [id$=] and [id^=] matchers, I wonder if there is a way to combine them?

Answer №1

I recently discovered this solution:

[id^='event_rules_attributes_'][id$='_interval'] { width: 150px; }

It may not be the most elegant, but it gets the job done.

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