The hover effect does not work when clicking the mouse button in the Chrome browser


[UPDATE] Another method I discovered to achieve this is not a solution, but rather a workaround: Utilize the mousedown event as a trigger (since a drag action is needed, a mousedown event is required), within that, attach a mouseover event to that span(I am unsure why, but attaching mouseover within mousedown enables mouseover to function on the span), assign it a new class that changes the background color;

The issue I encountered with Chrome 40 is:

I applied a style:

span {
span:hover {

<span>TEST AREA</span>

When I click down and then hover over, the background color does not change

This problem has been discussed here without any solutions provided:

I tested IE11 Firefox35, and they both work perfectly. Only Chrome 40 does not cooperate :(

Can anyone assist in applying the style or provide a method to trigger mouseover on that span while performing a drag action (I intend to drag something over it and have the background color change to indicate that the drag is over the target area.)? Thank you!

Answer №1

What an intriguing Chrome bug! I hadn't even noticed it until I stumbled upon your question. It made me curious about how Firefox handles the same event.

I decided to create a simple code snippet to monitor the hover and click events triggering. You can check out this snippet fiddle here.

In the fiddle, if you uncomment the last segment,

$(document).mousemove(function () {
            console.log('hovered element now: '+hoveredElement+ ' -- & -- '+'clicked element now: '+ clickedElement);                

and then comment out the section below,

$(hoveredElement).mouseenter(function () {
        }).mouseleave(function () {

You'll see that the code reproduces the issue you mentioned (try it in both Chrome and FF—I managed to replicate it in Chrome 41).

Upon observing the respective browsers' consoles, I found that when you click outside of the span element and then drag the mouse to enter the element, this is what happens:

In Chrome

  1. If you only hover outside the first span element without entering its space: Console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: undefined
  2. Now, after clicking the left mouse button (mousedown and mouseup): console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: BODY
  3. If you move the mouse ever so slightly: console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: BODY

Let's repeat the same steps in Firefox:

  1. If you simply hover outside the first span element without entering its space: Console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: undefined
  2. After clicking the left mouse button (mousedown and mouseup): console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: undefined

    Notice how it shows undefined for the clicked element compared to Chrome's result.

  3. Moving the mouse slightly: console output

    hovered element now: BODY -- & -- clicked element now: BODY

**Next set of tests **

  1. Click outside the first span element, drag the mouse to within the span element, and release the mouse without moving it afterward. Chrome console output:

    hovered element now: SPAN -- & -- clicked element now: BODY

    Firefox console output:

    hovered element now: SPAN -- & -- clicked element now: undefined

Observe the discrepancies in outputs between the two browsers.

As for why this difference exists between the browsers, I do not have an answer. All I can say is that the pseudo-class :hover doesn't get triggered in Chrome but does in FF.

So, what's the solution, you ask?

Here's my workaround: manually add the hover class when the event occurs. This prompts Chrome to dynamically add the class, while FF already has it by default ;)

Once again, in the fiddle, uncomment the following code...

$(hoveredElement).mouseenter(function () {
            }).mouseleave(function () {

And if desired, comment out the last section responsible for console output.

This action adds a jsHover class (defined alongside the regular :hover pseudo-class in CSS) to the span element when the specific event triggering our issue occurs.

The complete code snippet is as follows:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var hoveredElement;
    var clickedElement;
    $(document).mousemove(function (event) {
        hoveredElement =;

        $(hoveredElement).mouseenter(function () {
        }).mouseleave(function () {

        //console.log('hovered element now: ', hoveredElement);
        return hoveredElement;
    $(document).click(function (event) {
        clickedElement =;
        //console.log('clicked element now: ', clickedElement);
        return clickedElement;
            $(document).mousemove(function () {
                console.log('hovered element now: '+hoveredElement+ ' -- & -- '+'clicked element now: '+ clickedElement);                
        .page {
            /*background:rgba(12, 132, 49, 0.3);*/
        div {
        span {
        span:hover, span.jsHover {
        .activeElement {
<script src=""></script>
<span>before page div span element</span>

<div class="page">
    <div> <span>inside pade div span element </span>


Hope this explanation helps. Happy coding!

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