Superimpose two actionlinks and prioritize the one appearing above

I have implemented a menu similar to Below this menu, I have placed a webgrid. The issue I am facing is that when I hover over the menu, the slidedownbox with two action links pops up directly over the header of my Webgrid, which also contains an action link.

grdDept.Column(*"TicketNo",* header: "Ticket No",format: @<text><div style="width:130px;" id="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="711518075c1f1e5c31@85141224b4420210153815">[email protected]</a>" >@item.Number </div></text>),                        

Due to this overlap, I am unable to click on the action link in the header. Both the CSS for the action link in the header and the slidedownbox are triggered simultaneously.

My question is how can I click on the action link without interference from the CSS of the webgrid header? Moving either the grid or the menu is not an option for me.

Is there a way to utilize z-index or opacity in this scenario?

Answer №1

Certainly, utilizing z-index in either the slidedownbox or setting it for the header would be beneficial.

<div style="width: 130px; position: relative; z-index: -1;" id="<a href="/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection" class="__cf_email__" data-cfemail="fb9f928dd69594d6bb928f9e96d5af9298909e8fb29f">[email protected]</a>" >@item.Number </div>

For optimal results, consider adding a z-index in the slidedownbox with

position: relative; z-index: 1 or higher value;

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