Modify the c3 axis labels using CSS

I've been using the c3 package in R, which serves as a wrapper for the C3 javascript charting library created by Masayuki Tanaka.

One issue I encountered is that my c3 chart was cutting off the last date on the x-axis. After inspecting it in Chrome Inspector, I manually adjusted the text-anchor: middle to text-anchor: end

This workaround seemed to resolve the problem:

However, I'm unsure how to achieve this through CSS styling alone.

Below is a snippet of my R script along with the relevant CSS code. While I believe the issue lies more within the CSS aspect, here are the details:

R Script


data <- data.frame(a = abs(rnorm(20) * 10),
                   b = abs(rnorm(20) * 10),
                   date = seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"), by = "month", length.out = 20))

ui <- fluidPage(
  c3Output("chart",  height = "100%")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$chart <- renderC3({
    data %>
      c3(x = 'date') %>
      tickAxis('x', count = 5, format = '%Y-%m-%d') 

shinyApp(ui, server)

CSS Styling

.c3-line {
  stroke-width: 4px !important; 

.c3-axis-x-label {
    text-anchor: end; 

Answer №1

No code has been provided here, but the following snippet may be helpful:

.c3-axis-x g.tick:nth-last-child(3) text {

Ensure you target the text correctly and adjust the value as needed.

Update: The correct selector is not :last-child - revised based on actual code. Make sure to target your selector accurately and apply the transform property.

Update 2: Turns out it was the group .c3-axis-x that contains the tick texts. Code has been updated once again.

Answer №2

Something that comes to mind right away:

Your current CSS is only targeting the 'date' element. The other 'text' element does not have a class, so the CSS for '.c3-axis-x-label' will only affect the first text element.

Try adding the 'c3-axis-x-label' class to your other 'text' element as well.

Another point to consider:

The 'text' tag you want to modify has its styles written within the tag

When styles are set this way, they will always take precedence over applied CSS.

One solution I can suggest is to use !important in your CSS to override the inline style. I generally advise against using !important, but if it's too challenging to directly modify the CSS, this could be an option.

If you can assign a class to the other text element, try applying styles to 'text' in your CSS:

g > text {
   text-anchor: end; 

Let me know if any of these suggestions were helpful. If not, providing some code would be beneficial in assisting you further.

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