Deletion of a custom function in JavaScript

I have written some basic code to generate and remove an image using functions. Specifically, I need help with removing the image created by the function Generate() when a button linked to the function Reset1() is clicked. Here's the code snippet for reference:

function Generate() {
    var image = document.createElement('img');
    var div = document.getElementById('flex-box-gen');
    image.src = "";

function Reset1() {

Answer №1

To easily remove your image element in the second function, consider assigning an id to it and using that:

function generate() {
    var image=document.createElement("img"); = "image-01";

function reset() {
    var image = document.getElementById("image-01");
    var parent = image.parentNode;


If there are no other elements in your containing div, you can simply empty it:

function reset() {
    document.getElementById("flex-box-gen").innerHTML = "";

Answer №2

getElementById function is used to query a DOM element, not a javascript element.

If you only have one img in your flex-box-gen, you can do the following:

var imgs = document.querySelectorAll('#flex-box-gen img')
if(imgs.length > 0){

Make sure to include a null-check in case the image has already been removed.

Answer №3

let newImageId = document.createElement('id');
newImageId.setAttribute('id', "Generate");

Please include the above code snippet inside the generate function.

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