The parent font size is influenced by the font size of the child element

I am encountering an issue with my code that seems to be quite simple. Here is the code snippet:

  <h3>Title is here</h3>
  This is the paragraph

Here is the CSS:

h2 {font-size:2.3em;}
h3 {font-size:1em;}
p {font-size:0.5em;}

Even though I have set different font sizes for each element in the CSS, the <p> always ends up using the font size of the <h3>. I cannot simply put the <h3> tag on the outside due to restrictions in this case. Can anyone explain why this is happening?

Answer №1

The h3 element should not be placed inside a paragraph tag as it is not the correct way to structure your markup. I suggest reorganizing your code and moving the h3 element outside of the paragraph.

Answer №2

Although it is generally advised against using such markup (as most people here would concur), I will provide you with a solution.

Assuming your base font size is 12px, when the browser tries to fix this incorrect markup by removing the h3 from the p, your p { font-size: 0.5em; } rule does not take effect because it is no longer within a p. As a result, the text size does not become 6px as anticipated. In my example, the h3 now inherits the base font size of 12px. Since 1em x 12px = 12px, using 1em does not alter the text size.

This is how the browser is handling it:

<h3>Title is here</h3>
This is the paragraph

Therefore, whatever the parent element is and its font size dictate the font size of the text string This is the paragraph.

Hence, the straightforward solution is to increase the em value for your h3. However, there may still be unexpected outcomes in certain scenarios due to other CSS rules impacting the base font size caused by the improper markup and the actions of the browser.

Answer №3

Let's address the issue at hand:

My diagram with a freehand circle clearly shows that the <h3> element is not nested within the <p> element as intended. This results in the text that should be inside the <p></p> tags being placed directly in the body, causing the CSS styles for the <p> element to not be applied.

The solution lies in adjusting your markup accordingly.

If altering the HTML structure is out of the question, you could consider this approach instead:

See Technically Working Example

h2 {font-size:4.6em;}
h3 {font-size:2em;}

However, I strongly advise against this workaround...

Answer №4

After setting the font-size using px and including !important at the end, all issues were resolved.

Answer №5

Take a look at this code snippet: It's displaying the generated HTML from the body and you can observe what exactly is happening. The content within the <p> tag is getting extracted from it, causing the issue you're facing. As suggested by @KruegerDesigns here, if you want to have more control over how your CSS behaves, consider using elements other than an <h3>.

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