What steps can I take to correct this CSS code? I am looking to update the content using CSS

Here is the code I have for the specific page shown in the screenshot:

I want to change 'Replay course' to 'Access course'. Can anyone help me figure out what I'm missing?

a.course-card__resume {
display: none;
a.course-card__resume:after {
content: 'Access Course';

Answer №1

To modify content using CSS alone is not possible; access to the HTML code or knowledge of JavaScript is necessary.

Below is a CSS workaround that involves adding an additional tag to your HTML:

a span {

a::after {
  content:'Access Course';
<a href="#"><span>Replay Course</span></a>

If you have the capability to include JS code, refer to the following solution:

document.getElementsByClassName("course-card__resume")[0].innerText = "Access Course";
<a href="#" class="course-card__resume">Replay Course</a>

Your complete code has not been provided, so ensure compatibility with this approach. This method utilizes the visibility CSS property alongside absolute positioning requirements:

a {
a::after {
  content:'Access Course';
<a href="#">Replay Course</a>

Answer №2

Have you experimented with this code snippet?

a.course-card__resume:after {
  content: 'Access Course';
  display: block;

Answer №3

Disappearing an element using display:none also hides its dependent elements. If you want to maintain the visibility of a specific element while hiding another, consider this approach:

a.course-card__resume {
visibility: hidden;
a.course-card__resume:after {
content: 'Access Course';
visibility: visible;

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