Placing emphasis on an object that appears following a period of waiting

I'm currently working on enhancing the accessibility of a slider that will be featured on my website. The goal is to create an effect where, after clicking (or pressing enter) on the first slide, the focus shifts to the second slide element, allowing for seamless tabbing through the page. To achieve this, I am utilizing jQuery and the Cycle plugin.

However, I have encountered an issue: despite clicking on the first element, the second element remains hidden with display:none in JavaScript, making it inaccessible. Does anyone have suggestions on how I can resolve this? While I believe the solution should be straightforward, my attempts so far have been unsuccessful.

For reference, here is a link to my jsfiddle: Additionally, below are the snippets of code I have experimented with:

    fx:     'slideY', 
    speed:  300, 
    next:   '#s1', 
    timeout: 0 

$('#Goto2').on('click', function() {

More information regarding the cycle options can be found here:

Answer №1

The after property allows for the execution of a function after a transition occurs.

According to the documentation on the after property:

// callback for transitions (element scope is set to the shown element): function(currentSlideElement, nextSlideElement, options, forwardFlag)

This is where you can specify setting focus.

Answer №2

Remember that not all focus changes are triggered by keyboard and mouse events alone, as assistive technologies like screen readers can also shift focus to different elements. To complement @LeeBailey's recommendation, you might want to consider incorporating the following code snippet:

    fx:     'slideY', 
    speed:  300, 
    next:   '#s1', 
    timeout: 0,
    after: function (curr, next) {


Take note that I've included the aria-selected attribute by default for each element within your slider.

I hope this information proves useful.

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