Most Effective Method for Switching CSS Style Height from "0" to "auto"

After coming across a question with no answer that suited my needs, I decided to share the solution I created. In my case, I had a hidden generated list on a page which was initially set with a CSS height of "0" and then expanded upon clicking by transitioning the height. However, I encountered an issue where transitions did not work when the height was set to "auto". After some investigation, I found out that the CSS attribute "scrollHeight" would still calculate regardless of the "height" or "max-height" values. So, I assigned the "onclick" event to change the element's height to the "scrollHeight".

document.getElementById('dropContent').style.height = document.getElementById('dropContent').scrollHeight + 'px';

Answer №1

Excerpt from CSS in Depth:

Transitioning from a length of 0 to auto is not possible.

To work around this limitation, you can explicitly set a height, but the challenge lies in not knowing the exact height beforehand. The height is only determined after the content is loaded and displayed on the browser, requiring the use of JavaScript to calculate it accurately. Regrettably, there are no alternative solutions available in this scenario.

Therefore, utilizing element.scrollHeight remains the recommended approach.

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