Tips for modifying the appearance of an anchor <a> element within a table cell with jQuery

One issue I am facing involves changing the style of a specific element within a table cell using jQuery. The change needs to be based on the value in another cell. Below is the table structure:

                             <table id="table">
                                        <a href="">YYYYYYYYY</a></td>
                                    <td>Jedi Armor1</td>
                                    <td>Jedi Armor2</td>

Here is the jQuery code snippet:

            $(document).ready(function() {

                $('#table tr td').each(function(){
                     var textValue = $(this).text();
                        if(textValue == 'HHHHHHH'){
                        // add css class or any manipulation to your dom.
                    $(this).parent().children('td a').css('color','red');

            // end of hover function

The challenge lies in how to modify the style of the specified element.

Answer №1

children() function is limited to one level down

Instead of:

$(this).parent().children('td a')



Alternatively, you can simply add a class to the row and adjust the style using CSS for the entire row. It's easier to manage classes than inline css modifications



tr.has_H, tr.has_H a{

Answer №2

If you modify children to find, your code will function properly.

Check out this example for a demonstration.

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