Could you clarify that for me?

Let's take a look at the function isIsogram(str) which checks if a string is an isogram. An isogram is a word or phrase in which no letter occurs more than once. The code snippet for this function can be seen below:

We are particularly interested in the !/(\w).*\1/i.test(str) part of the function.

Answer №1

In linguistics, an isogram refers to a word where each letter occurs only once.

Breaking down the regular expression /(\w).*\1/i into its components:

  • (\w): Identifies any alphanumeric character (or underscore) and saves it as the first group.
  • .*: Matches any number of characters, excluding newlines.
  • \1: References the first group for comparison.

The inclusion of /i in the regex makes it case-insensitive. Essentially, this regex checks if a single letter repeats within the word.

Using regex.test(str) asks if a string matches the regex pattern. Adding ! before it negates the result, leading to a return value that signifies an isogram – no repeated letters.

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