Is it possible to utilize CSS rules for a non-existent div within CSS?

Can this be achieved using CSS?

If .div1 is not present, enforce the following rule:

  property: value;  

For example,

<div class="div1">

<div class="div2">
 <!-- it exists, so no action needed -->


<div class="div2">
 <!-- it doesn't exist, apply the css rule -->

Answer №1

Is it present or absent? Your question is causing confusion :)

If .div1 is present, apply style to .div2:

Option 1: .div2 directly follows .div1

.div1 + .div2 {
  property: value;

Option 2: .div2 is a sibling of .div1:

.div1 ~ .div2 {
  property: value;

Style .div2 even without .div1:

This might be a workaround, but you could try doing the opposite. Style .div2 as usual, then modify the styling using the selectors mentioned above.

If .div1 is not available, .div2 will retain its default styling.

.div2 {
  background: #fff;

.div1 + .div2 {
  background: #f00; /* override */

/* or */

.div1 ~ .div2 {
  background: #f00; /* override */

Answer №2

To customize the appearance of a div based on its relationship with another element, you can utilize CSS sibling selectors. If the div follows .div1, apply one set of styles; otherwise, apply a different set of styles.

.div2 {
    /* Define custom styles here */
.div1 + .div2 {
    /* Default styling for when div2 doesn't follow div1 */

Check out this fiddle to see it in action. Experiment by removing div1 to observe how div2 would look without it.

Answer №3

Overall, the answer is no, that cannot be done directly.

However, there is a workaround using CSS selectors, specifically:

  • + .something selector
  • ~ .something selector

I recommend using the second selector, known as the "general sibling" selector.

Based on the HTML snippet you provided, you can add styling to the .div2 class and then reset it with the .div1 ~ .div2 selector.

Here's an example of how this would look:

.div1 {
  color: red;

.div2 {
  color: blue;

.div1 ~ .div2 {
  color: black;

By following this approach, in the first HTML code snippet, the text in div2 will display as black, while in the second snippet, it will appear as blue.

Answer №4


Using CSS alone, it is not possible to create conditions with `if` statements to check the availability of an element. To achieve this functionality, JavaScript (particularly jQuery) should be utilized.

Note: While CSS can check certain conditions of an element, such as verifying if an element has a specific attribute or determining if an element is the first item in a list, it cannot examine properties of sibling elements or ancestors. Additionally, negative conditions are challenging to assess solely with CSS.

Answer №5

Unfortunately, it is not feasible to achieve this. However, a workaround could involve defining a new class called "div3" and conditionally applying it in your code based on the existence of DIV1, using it instead of "div2".

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