I need to style a blockquote so that it floats to the right, but I also want it to be

I want to enhance the appearance of my blockquotes by giving them a different color background and ensuring they stand out from the regular text. Although using float:right helps achieve this effect, I prefer not to force the blockquote to the right side of the paragraph. Is there a way to center it instead?

Just to clarify, I'd like the text within the block quote to remain left-justified while only the overall form of the blockquote is centered.

Check out this jsfiddle example for reference.

.blockquote {
    width: 75%;
    float: right;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 20px;
    background: #0fddaf;
    background: rgb(15, 221, 175); /* Fall-back for browsers that don't support rgba */
    background: rgba(15, 221, 175, .15);
    font-family: fanwood_italic-webfont;

.blockquote p {
    padding: 10px


<span class="blockquote">Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art. Making money is art and working is art and good business is the best art.</span>

Answer №1

Have you considered changing the display property of your .blockquote to block instead of floating it? This way, you can easily position it using margins and paddings without the risk of content resizing unexpectedly.

A much simpler solution indeed!

Answer №2

Replace the span tags with div tags and delete the float:right property, then add margin: 0 auto;

Check out this example on jsFiddle

<div class="blockquote">Being proficient in business is a captivating form of art. Making money, working, and excelling in business represent the finest forms of art.</div>

.blockquote {
    width: 75%;
    margin: 0 auto;
    margin-bottom: 20px;
    padding: 20px;
    background: #0fddaf;
    background: rgb(15, 221, 175); /* Fall-back for browsers that don't support rgba */
    background: rgba(15, 221, 175, .15);
    font-family: fanwood_italic-webfont;

Answer №3

Here is a possible solution for your needs:

In addition, I have included the text-align: right property just in case, as per your request to align the text to the right without affecting the entire blockquote/container.

UPDATE I realized that you had specified float: right, so here is an updated version without it:

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