How to achieve a Dropbox-inspired footer effect using CSS?

Take a look at dropbox's website here:

Have you noticed how the footer with "Learn more" remains fixed at the bottom regardless of window resizing until you click or scroll down?

position: absolute;
bottom: 50px;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
text-align: center;
cursor: pointer;

The CSS above pertains to the footer, but it's not responsible for the effect.

I'm struggling to figure out how this effect is achieved. Any ideas?

Answer №1

Are you referring to the front page that always stretches across the entire browser window with the "learn more" button fixed at the bottom?

There are various methods to achieve this effect, but here's one approach:

Begin by placing your initial content within a <div> (or another container) and set its height to 100vh, ensuring that it always adjusts to the height of the browser window (occupying 100% of the view height).

The "Learn more" link can then be easily positioned using position: absolute;.

Subsequent pages can have varying heights, though you can utilize the same technique to create pages that can be scrolled through (similar to a slideshow).

Feel free to experiment with this concept on this fiddle link.

Answer №2

Opt for position:fixed over absolute to achieve the desired effect.

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