Implement consistent styling across several elements within a component

const GreenRow = styled.div`
  background-color: green;
const RedRow = styled.div`
  background-color: red;
const YellowRow = styled.div`
  background-color: yellow;
const GreyRow = styled.div`
  background-color: grey;

const MyComponent = () =>
    <GreenRow>Green row</GreenRow>
    <div>Blue row</div>
    <RedRow>Red row</RedRow>
    <YellowRow>Yellow row</YellowRow>
    <GreyRow>Grey row</GreyRow>

Incorporating styled-components to customize elements within a component.

The objective is to implement additional styling (e.g. font-weight) across specific components in a unique manner. Some of these components are already formatted using styled-component, creating an added layer of design complexity.

One approach could involve defining the style with a designated classname, which would then be applied to each applicable element. However, it appears that generating a classname through styled-components is not feasible. Additionally, introducing external styling files outside of the component structure is not desirable.

An alternative method might entail utilizing styled-component's css library to render the style application universally (refer to code snippet below) and integrating it within relevant styled-component definitions. Nevertheless, this approach may necessitate converting certain elements into styled-components solely for this purpose if they lack existing formatting.

const FontWeight = css`
  font-weight: 600;

Exploring efficient strategies for implementing this secondary level of customization seamlessly.

Answer №1

If you want to incorporate a function into the template literal, you can utilize the props from the component with

${props => props.component_name && css
... }.

In this example, I am customizing the styling for Green within the Row:

import styled, { css } from styled-components

const Row = styled.div`
  /* Generic row styling */
  font-weight: 600;

  /* Unique row styling */
  ${props => props.Green && css`
    background: green;


Keep in mind that you will also need to import css!

To render a green row with the additional property, simply do:

    <Row>Normal Row</Row>
    <Row Green>Green Row</Row>

The green row will inherit the basic styling from regular rows and apply the specific rules defined for it.

I hope this explanation clarifies things for you!

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