Showing an error message without causing any displacement of elements positioned underneath

Is there a way to insert an error message text without displacing the element by 4 units using CSS or Javascript?

Answer №1

When integrating an element into the document flow, it will occupy a certain amount of space, causing the content below to shift. To prevent this effect, you have two primary options:

  1. Remove the element from the flow. There are various methods to accomplish this, such as using position: absolute.
  2. Ensure the element maintains its allotted space even when hidden. You can leave the element in the flow but conceal it with opacity: 0 or visibility: hidden. This way, the necessary space is already allocated in the flow.

Answer №2

position:absolute or using negative margin

  margin:10px 10px 0;
  border:1px solid;
  margin-bottom:-36px; /* 24px-height, 10px-margin top, 2px-border*/
<div class="col">
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 1
  Content 2
  Content 3
<!--div class="error">
  Error message
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 4
<div class="col">
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 1
  Content 2
  Content 3
<div class="error">
  Error message
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 4
<div class="col">
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 1
  Content 2
  Content 3
<div class="error2">
  Error message
<div class="somethinglarger">
  Content 4

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