How to make a checkbox list appear bold when checked in AngularJS?

<div class='someClass'>
     <label ng-repeat="item in itemList">
           <input type='checkbox' checklist-model='itemCheckList' checklist-value=''>
           <span class='label-text' ng-bind-html=""></span>

Looking for a way to dynamically change the font weight to bold when a checkbox is checked, and back to normal when unchecked. Any suggestions on how to achieve this? Much appreciated!

Answer №1

Is there a property on the item object that represents a boolean value, such as isChecked? For example, item.isChecked. If this property exists, you can utilize the ng-class directive in AngularJS.

// html 
 <span class='label-text' ng-class="{ 'selected': item.isChecked }" ng-bind-html=""></span>

// css
.selected {
  font-weight: bold;

Answer №2

Implemented this code snippet in my CSS styling and saw immediate results.

input[type=checkbox]:checked + span.label-text{
     font-weight: bold;

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