Creating a Product Box design with CSS and incorporating visual elements

I have created a simple box design in Photoshop that I want to use to display product information. The box consists of a Header, Body, and Button, each as separate images.

How can I assemble these elements using CSS/HTML? I only need the header text at the top and bullet points within the body section. However, I am unsure how to construct this layout from the image files.

I understand the HTML structure needed, but I need guidance on how to stack the images and position the button over the body area.

<div id="product_box">
    <div id="header">Title Here</div>

    <div id="body">
            <li>Point here</li>
            <li>Point here</li>
            <li>Point here</li>

    <div id="button></div>

Answer №1

Check out the following link for a solution:

No need to modify your html markup, just utilize some css:

Here is the relevant CSS code snippet:

    // CSS properties here

    // CSS properties here

    // CSS properties here  

   // CSS properties here
     // CSS properties here

Preview of the implementation:


Updated code based on your feedback:

Output after update:

Hope this resolves your issue.

Answer №2

You have the ability to accomplish this task just by utilizing HTML and CSS.

Implement a CSS gradient to achieve the desired effect.

Feel free to check out the DEMO for reference.

Answer №3

If you could share your CSS code with me, I can help you achieve the effect you desire.

To create the desired box, start by setting the height of a div element and applying the border and border-radius properties as needed - typically a 2px border with a radius between 10-15 pixels should work well.

Next, take the header image and crop it down to just 1 pixel wide for efficiency. Use this 1-pixel wide image as the background for another div element, repeating it horizontally but not vertically. Adjust the height of the header to match the gradient image's height.

Inside the container div, add another div element. Resize your second gradient image to 1 pixel width and set it as the background for this new div, utilizing repeat-x. Adjust the height of the header div to account for the difference between its height and that of the container.

Your button can be inserted as a link, possibly housed in yet another div element.

The code for achieving this effect may look something like this:


height: 400px;
width: 300px;
border: 2px solid #000;
border-radius: 12px;

background-image: url("header-grad.ext");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
height: 40px;
width: 100%;

background-image: url("content-grad.ext");
background-repeat: repeat-x;
height: 360px;
width: 100%;

And for the HTML markup:

<div class="container">
<div class="header">text here</div>
<div class="content"><\div>
<div class="button></div>

By following these steps, you should achieve the desired visual result. Additionally, remember to specify the button's CSS separately, which I haven't done due to being on mobile at the moment.

I hope this guidance assists you with your project!

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