The bootstrap table did not meet my expectations as I had hoped

I am currently using Bootstrap to create a basic two-column table similar to the one on the Bootstrap website here: To achieve this, I have implemented a javascript function to display the table as shown below:

$(\"#rep\").append("<br><br><table class=\\"table table-bordered table-striped\\"><tr><th><strong>Title</strong></th><th><strong>Description</strong></th></tr>")
//for (var i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) { 
for (var key in ratings){
    var table = "";
    table = "<tr> <th scope=\\"row\\"><code>"
    table += key
    table += "</code></th> <td>"
    table += ratings[key]
    table += "</td></tr>"
}, "json")

The issue I'm encountering is that the table I generate does not match the desired format, with the column titles appearing misaligned from the rest of the rows. It looks like this:

Could someone please help me identify what might be causing this problem? Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Your code has a few issues that need to be addressed:

1) You are not utilizing the <colgroup> element as shown in the bootstrap example, which is why the table alignment is off.

2) Additionally, you are missing the use of both <thead> and <tbody>, causing further alignment problems and preventing the .table-striped styling from working correctly. The CSS for striping the rows should look like this:

.table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
   background-color: #F9F9F9;

Instead of regenerating the entire table every time, I would recommend just emptying the <tbody> and then appending new rows like so:

$("#rep table tbody").empty();

Then add new rows using the following method:

var tr = 
     '<th scope="row">'+
   $("#rep table tbody").append(tr);

Check out this demo for more clarity ->

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