The issue of webkit animation rotation malfunctioning on Nexus Mobile devices

I'm currently working on developing a double ring radar animation within an Ionic hybrid application. The animation functions perfectly when viewed in a web browser, however, I've encountered issues when attempting to run it on the Nexus mobile device - although it works flawlessly on other mobile devices.

For reference, you can view a sample of the animation here: Code pen example

An interesting observation is that by removing the following two lines from the before and after elements of the Holo element, the animation displays without any issues. However, with these lines included, the animation requires a shake or rotation action to initiate.

-webkit-animation: rotarIz 2s -0.5s linear infinite;
          animation: rotarIz 2s -0.5s linear infinite;

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to test this on my Nexus mobile device. Could you please try changing the infinite parameter to an integer value and retest it?

-webkit-animation: rotateLeft 1s -0.2s ease-in-out 5;
animation: rotateLeft 1s -0.2s ease-in-out 5;

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