How can I achieve the text wrapping above an image similar to the layout in the sunflower picture?
I have tried using relative positioning and adjusting the top property, but it doesn't allow the text to wrap around the image. Setting the position to static and using margin-top also does not produce the desired effect.
For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
img {
float: right;
<p>In this example, the image will float to the right within the paragraph, allowing the text to wrap around it.</p>
<p><img src="" alt="Pineapple" style="width:170px;height:170px;margin-left:15px;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet, nulla et dictum interdum, nisi lorem egestas odio, vitae scelerisque enim ligula venenatis dolor. Maecenas nisl est, ultrices nec congue eget, auctor vitae massa. Fusce luctus vestibulum augue ut aliquet. Mauris ante ligula, facilisis sed ornare eu, lobortis in odio. Praesent convallis urna a lacus interdum ut hendrerit risus congue. Nunc sagittis dictum nisi, sed ullamcorper ipsum dignissim ac. In at libero sed nunc venenatis imperdiet sed ornare turpis. Donec vitae dui eget tellus gravida venenatis. Integer fringilla congue eros non fermentum. Sed dapibus pulvinar...
Is there a way to lower the pineapple image while still allowing the first three lines of text to wrap above it?
float: right;
position: relative;
top: 60px;
The above code snippet does not solve the issue and neither does:
float: right;
margin-top: 60px;
This seems to be a tricky problem. Are there any other solutions that could achieve the desired effect?