How can you show a green check mark next to an input field in AngularJS after inputting valid data?

I am diving into the world of AngularJS and Angular Material with my web application.

As a beginner in AngularJS and Angular Material, I need some help.

My current task is to display a green checkmark next to an input field only when valid data is entered into it.

Any tips on how I can accomplish this?

Below is a snippet of code for a password field:

<md-input-container class="md-block" flex> 
    <label>Current Password</label> 
    <md-icon md-svg-src="/images/icons/ic_lock_black_24px.svg"></md-icon>
    <input type="password" ng-model="changePassword.currentPassword" required name="curPass" minlength="6">
    <div ng-messages="chnagePasswordForm.curPass.$error">
        <div ng-message="required">Please enter valid password</div>
        <div ng-message="minlength">Password should be of eight or more characters</div>
    <md-button ng-disabled="chnagePasswordForm.$invalid" class="md-raised md-primary enrolBtn" ng-click="changePassword()">Save</md-button>

I aim to have a green checkmark appear specifically beside this password field once the correct password is entered.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Have you attempted any solutions so far? Maybe consider inserting an additional icon and using ng-if to display it conditionally:

<md-icon md-svg-src="/images/icons/ic_lock_black_24px.svg"></md-icon>
<md-icon md-svg-src="/images/icons/my_checkmark.svg" ng-if="!changePassword.curPass.$error"></md-icon>
<input type="password" ng-model="changePassword.currentPassword" required name="curPass" minlength="6">

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