How well does position:fixed function in Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9?

Before diving into using position:fixed, I'd like to confirm if it works well in Microsoft browsers.

Thank you.

Answer №1

To solve the issue, I added this doctype to my code:


For more information, you can check out this Link.

Answer №2

Stable did not have issues in IE6, and has proven reliable since version 7.

According to reliable sources:

In IE7, when selecting "absolute" or "fixed" then switching to "relative", some of the layer's content may not display properly.

Answer №3

Those were deemed acceptable based on standards.

Answer №4

Keep in mind that IE 7 starting from beta 2 actually does have support for position: fixed; (as long as you include a document type declaration that activates strict mode)

Answer №6

When it comes to achieving consistency across browsers, I always turn to using position absolute. To achieve a similar effect as 'fixed' in CSS, I make sure to include the following code:

top: $(document).scrollTop() + 225 +'px'

Fortunately, this method has proven to work seamlessly in all browsers.

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