Preserve the height of the previous div following an AJAX request

I am currently facing an issue where I have a script that utilizes ajax to receive a response containing a cart string (html code) with items from the cart. Inside the response handler, there is another script that sets the height of each div in the cart string.

My challenge now is to maintain the height of the div set for the previous cart string as the entire cart string gets re-received after each ajax call.

Furthermore, there is a separate cart (for mobile only) displayed in a bootstrap modal. The function responsible for setting the height does not work unless you open the modal and run the function again. Could this be due to the modal being displayed as none? The function loops through all divs with the same class name and adjusts their height based on child data.

Answer №1

To adjust the height of the div, you can utilize CSS.

  height: 400px !important;

Alternatively, after an ajax call, you can dynamically change the height of the div.


For mobile devices, you can customize the content to fit:

@media only screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .cart-height {
    height: 200px;

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