Converting from CAPS lock to using the capitalize property in CSS

Is there a way to transform a sentence that is all in CAPs lock without changing it? This sentence is part of a paragraph, and I am looking for a CSS solution (maybe with a little Jquery) that works reliably across most devices!

I have come across similar questions but they do not cover the issue of multiple sentences.

Original Text:

THIS IS THE FIRST SENTENCE. And this is the second, as it is from the server.

Desired output:

This is the first sentence. And this is the second...

I attempted using the following CSS, but it only applies to the first letter and does not work with multiple sentences:

 p { text-transform: lowercase;}
   p:first-letter {text-transform:capitalize}

Answer №1

It appears that this issue is best resolved using jQuery. Take a look at the following solution for properly capitalizing the entire element, and then extracting the first sentence with code like this:

let content = $('#my_paragraph').html();
let firstSentence = content.substring(0, content.indexOf('.'));
firstSentence = capitalizeFirstLetter(firstSentence);
let remainingText = content.substring(content.indexOf('.') + 1);
$('#my_paragraph').html(firstSentence + remainingText);

Answer №2

This is just a temporary solution. If the output changes in any way, such as including more than one dot or words starting with capital letters, this code will not work correctly.


// capture your text
var initialText = $('p').text();

// extract the first sentence and convert it to lowercase
var firstSentence = initialText.substr(0, initialText.indexOf('.')).toLowerCase();

// capitalize the first letter
var updatedText = initialText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + firstSentence.substring(1);

// add the modified text to any element you choose and include the missing period.
$('.result').text(updatedText + '.');

Answer №3

One idea that springs to mind is incorporating some jQuery. Locate the initial period (.) within the paragraph, then transform the text preceding it into lowercase (you could assign it a span with specific styling defined in a CSS file). Research may be necessary to fine-tune this process.

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