What is the best way to initiate a new animation from the current position?

Here is my custom box:

<div class="customBox"></div>

It features a unique animation:

  animation:right 5s;


I also have two buttons:

<button onclick="leftFunction">left</button>
<button onclick="rightFunction">right</button>

If I click left, the box will move to the left. However, if I click right while it's moving left, I want the left animation to stop and the right animation to start from the current position without teleporting.

I'm seeking assistance on this issue. I'm new to coding resources like Stack Overflow.

Below is the JavaScript code:

function leftFunction() {
= "left 4s";
function rightFunction() {
animation = "right 4s";

Answer №1

After reviewing the code you provided, I noticed a few issues that needed to be addressed, but overall you were headed in the right direction.

  1. The DOM method was targeting an element with an ID of myDIV, which did not exist. I modified it to document.querySelector(".mybox") as that is the class name of your div.

  2. You forgot to call the function on your onclick handler, which may have caused the functionality to not work properly. Remember to add parentheses () to invoke it on click.

  3. The code layout lacked proper spacing conventions, possibly due to constraints when posting on Stack Overflow. However, I made necessary adjustments for better readability.

  4. Position values were being set without declaring a position property. I set it to relative to ensure the div stays in the document flow.

  5. Changing both left and right properties separately could lead to unexpected resizing. I changed it to only affect the left property for consistency.

Here is the solution:

Modify your keyframes to update only the left property. Call the function from onclick and pass the event object for seamless animation changes based on target elements.

Utilize CSS custom properties to allow JavaScript to manipulate values effectively. Start the animations from the custom property --cur-pos.

When the function is triggered, fetch the computed left value of the div using getComputedStyle(), and update the custom property --cur-pos accordingly. This ensures the animation starts from the current position of the div.

By following these steps, you should be all set. Adjust the starting --cur-pos value and the end to values as needed, ensuring to update either the left or right positions for horizontal movement, not both simultaneously.

function changeAnimation(e) {
  const box = document.querySelector(".mybox")
  const pos = window.getComputedStyle(box).left
  box.style.setProperty("--cur-pos", pos)
  box.style.animationName = e.target.innerHTML
.mybox {
  --cur-pos: 150px;
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: black;
  position: relative;
  animation: right 4s forwards;

@keyframes right {
  from { left: var(--cur-pos); }
  to { left: 300px; }

@keyframes left {
  from { left: var(--cur-pos); }
  to { left: 0px; }
<div class="mybox"></div>
<button onclick="changeAnimation(event)">left</button>
<button onclick="changeAnimation(event)">right</button>

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