Tips for creating responsive Math Latex

Check out this link to my website page. Also, take a look at this other link.

While using Bootstrap, I've noticed that all content is responsive except for the equations in the first link and the Matrix multiplication example in the second link towards the end. When resizing the browser or viewing on a phone, the Latex text overflows the container. Despite trying multiple solutions, I haven't been able to fix this issue. Any suggestions?

Answer №1

<span class="mo" id="MathJax-Span-114" style="font-family: MathJax_Main; padding-left: 0.278em;">=</span>
<div class="super-br"><br></div>

Consider implementing a media query to handle situations where your matrix needs to be broken. The <h2> containing the matrix is inline and has a fixed font size, causing responsiveness issues beyond a certain point.

Your page functions well up to a width of 410px. By adding a media query to eliminate the break, you can improve responsiveness.

@media (min-width: 410px) {
    .super-br {

Using this code will remove the super-br class at a screen width of 410px. With further adjustments to the media queries, you can achieve the desired level of responsiveness.

Additionally, ensure all matrix elements enclosed by <h2></h2> have breaks applied as needed for improved responsiveness.

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