Formatting won't assist in aligning Facebook button

I am currently working on a page that includes a div with a Facebook recommend button.

In order to style the Facebook code, I enclosed it with this formatting:

        <div style="align:center">
<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src=";xfbml=1"></script>
<fb:like href="" send="true" width="450" show_faces="false" action="recommend" font=""></fb:like>

However, despite my efforts, the content is not aligning to the center of the div. Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve the desired center-align effect?

Answer №1

To align a block-level element in the center, you can use left and right margins set to auto along with a width smaller than its parent:

.custom-style {
  margin: 0 auto 0 auto;
  width: 550px;

Feel free to adjust the width value according to your specific requirements. It's important to have a clear vision of the final appearance you desire.

Answer №2

Instead of aligning the iframe, you should focus on styling the parent element:

Inspect the Dom using tools like firebug or inspector to better understand my point


Easier way is to style the parent container, such as the div that contains the content:

<div class="style-me">
<script src=";xfbml=1"></script>
<fb:like href="" send="true" width="450" show_faces="false" action="recommend" font=""></fb:like>


.style-me {

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