Trouble in connecting local CSS stylesheet

I am facing an issue with adding my .css file to my project. Even though I have tried various methods, the styles are not being applied properly.

When I directly embed the style code in HTML, it seems to work fine. This leads me to believe that the problem lies with the links to the external stylesheet. However, I am confident that I am doing everything correctly. view image related to issue

I have also attempted to link the stylesheet using

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
, but even after including the folder names, this method does not seem to work.

In addition, there appears to be a problem with linking in general. For instance, when I tried to include an <img> tag pointing to a local file, it did not show up. However, when using an online image source, the linking worked as expected.

Answer №1

Modify line 9 to:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/style.css">

In order to navigate back from dashboard.html, you must include "../". This will direct you to the stylesheet file located at "static/style.css".

Answer №2

The correct path to be used is ../static/style.css within the href attribute

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