My Javascript file is not being recognized by MVC

Initially, I created an MVC application without fully understanding that MVC is more backend-oriented than frontend-focused. I ended up building a simple website with just HTML, CSS, and Javascript files, which worked perfectly. However, when I tried to integrate this setup into my MVC application to fetch data from the backend and avoid cluttering my HTML, I encountered a frustrating issue.

Upon debugging in both Firefox Developer Edition and Internet Explorer, I realized that my JS file was not being included in the project at all. Despite trying various methods like adding references in reference.js, creating .DLL files, or adjusting load order, nothing seemed to work. Even recreating the project didn't solve the problem.

I am using Windows 10 and had initially developed the project in Visual Studio 2013 on Windows 8.1. The inability to set JS content as embedded in Visual Studio 2015 led me back to VS2013. Could there be an underlying compatibility issue causing this problem?

While I have shared the structure of my HTML head and a snippet of my JS code, I acknowledge that there may be errors in my implementation as I am still learning. My primary focus now is to resolve the issue of including the JS file in the browser correctly, although any suggestions for improvement are welcome.

Answer №1

Ensure that JQuery is included before your code to prevent any errors. It's important for proper functionality.

Another helpful tip is to incorporate some console.log statements throughout your code:

console.log('checking progress...');

This will help you track the execution of your code. Best of luck with your troubleshooting!

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