Expanding Grid Container in Material UI to Fill Parent Height and Width


I'm struggling to figure out how to make a Grid container element expand to the height and width of its parent element without directly setting the dimensions using inline styles or utilizing the makeStyles/useStyles hook for styling.

I'm confident that there must be a simpler solution. I've set up a sandbox with an example of what I'd like to achieve (using vanilla React) and my current progress (utilizing Material UI components).

The reason I'm opting for Grid over standard Box components is because it offers greater responsiveness controls compared to Box.


Check out the Codesandbox

Answer №1

I had been overcomplicating things and not fully realizing the capabilities of Box.

Box is adaptable. The lesson I learned is to utilize Grid sparingly for elements with specific dimensions, and instead combine Box with Hidden for designing screen layouts.

import React from "react";
import { Box } from "@material-ui/core";

export default function Layout() {
  return (
    <Box bgcolor="green" display="flex" height="100vh" width="100vw">
      <Box bgcolor="red" flex={{ xs: 1, sm: 2 }} />
        flexDirection={{ xs: "column", sm: "row" }}
        <Box bgcolor="blue" flex={{ xs: 1, sm: 6 }} />
        <Box bgcolor="purple" flex={{ xs: 11, sm: 6 }} />

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